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Community and Craftsmanship

We focus on the fashion industry's positive impact on local communities, skills, and craftsmanship to sustain future generations' livelihoods by encouraging equality and diversity and empowering workforces throughout our supply chain and shop floor.    

  Woman spinning peace silk yarn in India


For many years, the most prominent place for silkworm cultivation in Jharkhand, India, saw farming villages give over to factory-made fabrics. However, since the introduction of Organic Peace Silk, the team has been working with nearby villagers on the biological and non-cruel process to rear silk cocoons without using any pesticides, fungicides, toxic chemicals or genetic sprays. Today, villagers who want to learn regenerative agriculture methods and traditional spinning yarn methods to weaving new fabrics are provided training through our supplier. These initiatives support the revival of the ancestral traditions of silk making and people's livelihood through ethical production.  

Tussar silk cocoon by Ethical Kind


Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. We purchase our raw materials directly from our mills, which employs over 40 sericulture farmers and 50 weavers and their families in the local villages of Jharkhand, India. We pay a premium price to the farmers for their fibres and the makers, which addresses conventional trade injustices that traditionally discriminates against the small producers.

Primary School in the PPP model with the local village school at the peace silk farm



We support inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. We take pride in our partnership that operates a local primary school with a Public-Private Partnership at the silk farm. The partnership enables employees' children to receive a free quality education and provides a knowledge foundation for a better future.
For 2021, we will donate 5% of the net revenue to "Adivasi Kalyan Samitee" to provide education facilities for children at Marghantu Middle School in Jharkhand, India. Learn more here.

Equal Opportunity with manager at the silk farm


We support equal wages to its male and female staff members. Many higher posts are awarded to women in our production to promote gender equality and respect. It includes building separate toilets in the workplace and schools to ensure women and girls from the village can attend their place of work. 

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